Live lessons mpls fundamentals slides
Live lessons mpls fundamentals slides

live lessons mpls fundamentals slides

Text can be integrated with images where that is appropriate and doesn’t just encourage guessing. Pupils can find it harder to concentrate, so the way we integrate words and pictures or graphs is important. For example, when using recorded lessons, clarity of explanations becomes even more important as we can’t as easily correct misunderstandings or misconceptions.Īnother example is the ‘split attention’ effect. There are of course some things that need more careful consideration when teaching remotely. We can’t expect them to be able to discover new content for themselves through tasks, projects and internet searching. Just as in the classroom, most pupils will be novices in what we are teaching them. It’s also vital to have clear and high expectations and to communicate these to pupils. For example, it’s useful to provide pupils with an overview of the bigger picture and where a specific lesson or activity sits within a sequence of lessons or activities. More important is attention to the key elements of effective teaching. Simple graphics that highlight the key concepts and features we want to teach can be most effective. Just as we don’t need ‘all-singing, all-dancing’ lessons in the classroom, remote education often benefits from a straightforward and easy-to-use interface. When using digital remote education, the platform we use shouldn’t be too complicated to use. We also don’t need to overcomplicate resources with too many graphics and illustrations that don’t add to content. We don’t have to make huge changes to the way we teach. Our brains don’t learn differently using remote education, so everything we know about cognitive science and learning still applies. Any worksheets should be aligned with the curriculum and provide meaningful work. However, when using textbooks or worksheets it is still important to make sure that teachers can provide feedback and assess learning. It can also be easier to access for some pupils. All schools/colleges should have access to a digital platform so they can provide online education where that is the most appropriate method.Ī good textbook can provide the curriculum content and sequencing pupils need. Sometimes, it may be more effective to deliver remote education through worksheets or a textbook. Remote education is not the same as digital education. Curricular goals should be made as explicit remotely as they would be in the classroom. And, just like the classroom curriculum, it needs to be carefully sequenced and ensure that pupils obtain the building blocks they need to move on to the next step. The remote education curriculum needs to be aligned to the classroom curriculum as much as possible. This means that everything we know about what a quality curriculum looks like still applies. The aim of education is to deliver a high-quality curriculum so that pupils know more and remember more. 1: Remote education is a way of delivering the curriculum Note that they are not in order of importance. Here are 7 things to think about when providing remote education.

live lessons mpls fundamentals slides

Below, we counter them with evidence-based pointers. None of these things are necessarily true.

live lessons mpls fundamentals slides

  • the most important thing is pupils’ engagement.
  • the best way to deliver remote education is always through live lessons.
  • the best forms of remote education are digital.
  • remote education is a different curriculum/offer to the content that would be delivered normally.
  • remote education is fundamentally different to other forms of teaching/learning.
  • Some unhelpful myths exist about remote education, which are not based on evidence.
  • Synchronous education: this is live asynchronous education is when the material is prepared by the teacher and accessed by the pupil at a later date.
  • An example would be the ‘flipped classroom’, where main input happens remotely (for example through video), while practice and tutoring happen in class.
  • Blended learning: a mix of face-to-face and remote methods.
  • Digital remote education: often known as online learning, this is remote learning delivered through digital technologies.
  • Remote education: a broad term encompassing any learning that happens outside of the classroom, with the teacher not present in the same location as the pupils.
  • There are different definitions out there, but these are the ones we will use here:

    live lessons mpls fundamentals slides

    This short guide, which draws on findings from our interim visits, research and literature review, aims to provide some useful tips. Likewise, we know there are difficulties and challenges that schools, colleges and teachers face in doing so. As we move into a third national lockdown, with remote education for most pupils once again the default, we are of course very aware of the heroic efforts of leaders, teachers and staff in developing remote education.

    Live lessons mpls fundamentals slides